Monday, January 15, 2007
SCARA (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm) Robots
A SCARA robot has a linear vertical axis, two rotary axes that move the two arm linkages in the horizontal plane, and usually one additional axis for the wrist rotation. With a dedicated vertical axis, the vertical motions are smoother and quicker than in a coordinated axis motion. Furthermore, the rigidity of the robot frame is also very high in the vertical axis and the combination of the rotation motions assures a high compliance in the horizontal plane, facts very important in an assembly task.

A SCARA robot has a high repeatability (less than 0.025mm), and has also the highest speed of any other robot configuration (2000 to 5000mm/s). The robot structure is compact, such that the working envelopes are limited (ranges less than 1000mm). The payloads range from 10 to 100kg.

Due to its characteristics this robot was first used for precision, high-speed, light assembly. Common applications are inserting components on printed circuit boards, assembling small electromechanical devices and assembling computer disk drives. In recent years, the Scara robot has become more frequently used on a larger scale for palletizing applications.

Scara robots are well suited for stacking a single pallet where space is limited. A major "arm" is mounted such that the whole mechanism can move vertically. This arm is also capable of rotational movement. The wrist moves in a rotational manner as well, in order to rotate bags or cases for placement. Scara robots are fast and use little space. They may not be suited for applications that require multiple loading positions or pickup positions.

posted by ..WaReHoUsE mOnKeYs.. @ 5:01 PM   2 comments
Gantry Pick and Place Robots
This robot primarily used in palletizing applications. Other uses such as packaging, welding, gluing, painting and moving heavy parts are also possible. The gantry system is mounted primarily overhead, so it will use little floor space. A gantry system has a very large work envelope and repeatability in the range of 0.1 to 1 mm, which is good considering the large size of the work area. Payloads can vary from a few pounds up to 2000 lbs. Gantry systems are generally slower in both acceleration and deceleration than other types of robotic systems.
posted by ..WaReHoUsE mOnKeYs.. @ 4:56 PM   0 comments
Articulating Arm Robot (Vertical Articulating Arm)
This robot has 3 main rotary axes, and additional 2 or 3-axis wrist. The most important characteristic offered by this robot configuration is the excellent maneuverability. The 6-axis articulation allows orientation of the wrist in practically any position.

The repeatability is good (0.1 to 0.5mm); however, large sizes of the robot may not be adequate for precision assembly. The working envelope is large, relative to the size. The maximum payloads are between 5 to 400kg, depending on the robot size. Tool tip speed is quite fast (1000 to 2000mm/s).

This robot is flexible and most widely used. It is capable of a wide range of motion and reach. While it may not be quite as fast as the SCARA type of robot, it can generally do the same type of tasks. Given the task of palletizing, the Articulating Arm robot is capable of palletizing many pallet positions simultaneously, while the Scara is more limited due to its smaller reach.

posted by ..WaReHoUsE mOnKeYs.. @ 4:44 PM   0 comments
More on Material Handling Robots
The following is some example of robots being produce by one company, Automation System Integration. It has been installing industrial robot system for many years and is a leader in the field.

Examples of Material Handling Robots:

1) Articulating Arm Robot (Vertical Articulating Arm)
2) Gantry Pick and Place Robots
3) SCARA (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm) Robots

posted by ..WaReHoUsE mOnKeYs.. @ 4:30 PM   0 comments
-= P R O F I L E =-

U N I T Y 0 3

:: Celine Lim ::
:: Goh Sok Yan ::
:: Eunice Quek ::
:: Chen Hengjing ::
:: Alvin Sng ::

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Sicko... --> Sok Yan
"N"o worries~~ --> Hengjing
"I" Soooo Stress!!! --> Celine
"T"raumatize by DIRTS!! --> Alvin
"Y" LIKE THAT!!?? --> Eunice

-= C O V E R A G E =-
-= A R C H I V E S =-
-= L I N K S =-
-= C H A T S =-