Tuesday, January 9, 2007
De-palletizer à "unstacks" and separates a fully formed pallet. The purpose of a de-palletizing system is usually to unstack a homogeneous pallet so the products that make it up can be reformed into a mixed pallet. As you can see in the picture, the robot that is stacking the mixed pallet is also de-palletizing three other pallets. In some situations, the de-palletizing robot is also the palletizing robot, but in an Order Fulfillment system, the de-palletizing robot is most often a dedicated machine, handling only the unstacking of product that goes into creating the mixed pallet.


posted by ..WaReHoUsE mOnKeYs.. @ 3:20 PM   0 comments
-= P R O F I L E =-

U N I T Y 0 3

:: Celine Lim ::
:: Goh Sok Yan ::
:: Eunice Quek ::
:: Chen Hengjing ::
:: Alvin Sng ::

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Sicko... --> Sok Yan
"N"o worries~~ --> Hengjing
"I" Soooo Stress!!! --> Celine
"T"raumatize by DIRTS!! --> Alvin
"Y" LIKE THAT!!?? --> Eunice

-= C O V E R A G E =-
-= A R C H I V E S =-
-= L I N K S =-
-= C H A T S =-