Monday, January 15, 2007
Articulating Arm Robot (Vertical Articulating Arm)
This robot has 3 main rotary axes, and additional 2 or 3-axis wrist. The most important characteristic offered by this robot configuration is the excellent maneuverability. The 6-axis articulation allows orientation of the wrist in practically any position.

The repeatability is good (0.1 to 0.5mm); however, large sizes of the robot may not be adequate for precision assembly. The working envelope is large, relative to the size. The maximum payloads are between 5 to 400kg, depending on the robot size. Tool tip speed is quite fast (1000 to 2000mm/s).

This robot is flexible and most widely used. It is capable of a wide range of motion and reach. While it may not be quite as fast as the SCARA type of robot, it can generally do the same type of tasks. Given the task of palletizing, the Articulating Arm robot is capable of palletizing many pallet positions simultaneously, while the Scara is more limited due to its smaller reach.

posted by ..WaReHoUsE mOnKeYs.. @ 4:44 PM  
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Sicko... --> Sok Yan
"N"o worries~~ --> Hengjing
"I" Soooo Stress!!! --> Celine
"T"raumatize by DIRTS!! --> Alvin
"Y" LIKE THAT!!?? --> Eunice

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