Saturday, January 13, 2007
Packing Robots
There are case and crate loading packing robots, palletizing robots, pallets feeders, wrapping robots, automatic strapping robots, and control and inspection robotic systems. Packing robots should provide flexibility and versatility for adaptation of a broad range of products and warehouse floor configurations. Packing robots need to be of heavy duty construction, provide fault free, safe operations, and allow for reliability in warehouse automation.

Robots with heavy payload capacities are ideal for packing applications. Packing robots should increase throughput of case packing and provide flexible solutions for applications requiring easy change over capabilities. These robots should be designed for speed and high productivity.

Packing robots use flighted conveyors for indexing or lane conveyors for accumulation of your product. Packing robots also have the ability to load both horizontally and vertically with minimal amount of changeover.

Packing robots are capable of gentle handling or quick throughput. They are able to be flexible and allow for fast output.

Packing Robot at work

Robotic Case Packing

The robots package complex and simple shapes, or combine with a case erector to provide a single solution for packaging and palletizing.

Packing Robot at work

Robotic Pick and Place Packing


posted by ..WaReHoUsE mOnKeYs.. @ 3:50 PM  
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Sicko... --> Sok Yan
"N"o worries~~ --> Hengjing
"I" Soooo Stress!!! --> Celine
"T"raumatize by DIRTS!! --> Alvin
"Y" LIKE THAT!!?? --> Eunice

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