Slat conveyors are noted for their versatility in handling a multitude of products, from raw materials through finished goods. One of the most rugged and maintenance free of all conveyors, with slats typically made from steel or wood, these conveyors can handle hot, oily and abrasive materials where canvas or belt conveyors would wear out quickly or be impractical.
Both are examples of Spiral Conveyors. Although slat conveyors have been used more in the past for these hot, oily abrasive tasks, modern slat conveyors are offering more and more functionality. A subset of the slat conveyor (spiral conveyor) is used in warehousing to move products from floor level to mezzanine level (or vice versa). These special spiral conveyors can also be used as a method of buffering product. Spiral conveyor slats are typically made of fiberglass or some other plastic composite material. Spiral conveyors are also very resistant to spills.

This conveyor not only moves product from a high level down to a low level, but also provides quite a bit of buffered space. Even though this conveyor section seems long it still may only be driven by one motor. Some vendors can make a conveyor section as long as 250 feet with only one motor drive unit.

This is a slat conveyor that is capable of high speed rotation of product. The loads can be rotated 180º or 90º in a continuous motion. This new conveyor is used in packing lines where products need to be rotated upside down or to one side without delay or product damage. This conveyor can accommodate a wide range of load sizes without adjustment.