Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Industrial Trucks - Hand Truck
A hand truck is an L-shaped box-moving handcart with handles at one end, wheels at the base, with a small ledge to set objects on, flat against the floor when the hand-truck is upright. The objects to be moved are tilted forward, the ledge is inserted underneath them, and the objects allowed to tilt back and rest on the ledge. Then the truck and object are tilted backward until the weight is balanced over the large wheels, making otherwise bulky and heavy objects easier to move. A hand-truck is known as a trolley in the United Kingdom. Hand-trucks are sometimes used as baggage carts by porters in train stations. A dolly is comparable to a hand truck. It is a first class lever.

Two-Wheeled Hand Truck

A low mobile platform that rolls on casters, used for transporting heavy loads.

Floor Hand Truck


posted by ..WaReHoUsE mOnKeYs.. @ 4:29 PM  
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Sicko... --> Sok Yan
"N"o worries~~ --> Hengjing
"I" Soooo Stress!!! --> Celine
"T"raumatize by DIRTS!! --> Alvin
"Y" LIKE THAT!!?? --> Eunice

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