Roller conveyors take in a variety of conveyors, standard roller, skate wheel and ball conveyors. Even though they each look different, what they all have in common is that they all have some type of rolling surface in contact with the unit load being transported.
Ball Transfer Table
Both ball conveyors (or ball transfers) and skate wheel conveyors rely upon gravity or a human operator as the driving force. A ball transfer table is an easy and economical method of moving a part from one conveyor to another or from a conveyor to an inspection table.  Skatewheel Conveyor
The skatewheel conveyor, also a gravity operated conveyor, is most often set at an incline so that material can be given a slight push by a human being and roll to the end of the conveyor. Gravity skatewheel conveyors are used primarily for lightweight packages. They are typically used in shipping departments, stocking areas, assembly lines.