Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Recent & Future Developments
As of 2005, the robotic arm business is getting to a mature state, where they can provide enough speed, accuracy and ease of use for most of the applications. Vision guidance (machine vision) is bringing a lot of flexibility to robotic cells. So we have the arm and the eye,

But the part that still has poor flexibility is the hand: the end effector attached to a robot is often a simple pneumatic, 2-position wrench. This doesn't allow the robotic cell to easily handle different parts, in different orientations. (Limitations of robots in warehouse with multiple product lines).

Hand in hand with increasing off-line programmed applications, robot calibration is becoming more and more important in order to guarantee a good positioning accuracy.

Other developments include downsizing industrial arms for consumer applications and using industrial arms in combination with more intelligent automated guided vehicles (AGVs) to make the automation chain more flexible between pick-up and drop-off.

One thing to note is that these robots are usually employed in production plant with limited product lines, but with increase trend towards automation they are starting to be seen in warehouses and DC with multiple product lines.
posted by ..WaReHoUsE mOnKeYs.. @ 3:46 PM   0 comments
Material Handling Robot
A simple definition of a robot is “a general purpose, programmable machine possessing certain anthropomorphic characteristics.” (Anthropomorphic means human-like and usually refers to the gripper of the robot that resembles a hand).

The material handling robot is used to build and undo unit loads on a pallet. A material handling robot can work 24 hours a day without worries or fatigue. The consistent output of a robotic system along with quality and repeatability are unmatched.

Material handling robot allows for automation of operations in warehouse and is usually integrated with other material handling equipment e.g. conveyor belt.

Applications include: Palletizing, Packaging, Packing and Order picking.

Advantages: Reduced Cycle Time, Increased Throughput, Handling of Hazardous Chemical goods and Quality Consistency.

Some manufacturers of material handling robots are: Motoman, Panasonic, Fanuc, and ABB.

posted by ..WaReHoUsE mOnKeYs.. @ 3:35 PM   1 comments
-= P R O F I L E =-

U N I T Y 0 3

:: Celine Lim ::
:: Goh Sok Yan ::
:: Eunice Quek ::
:: Chen Hengjing ::
:: Alvin Sng ::

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Sicko... --> Sok Yan
"N"o worries~~ --> Hengjing
"I" Soooo Stress!!! --> Celine
"T"raumatize by DIRTS!! --> Alvin
"Y" LIKE THAT!!?? --> Eunice

-= C O V E R A G E =-
-= A R C H I V E S =-
-= L I N K S =-
-= C H A T S =-